Welcome, Wild One,
I’m Liz—a guide, a seeker, and a mirror of truth.
Rooted in ancestral wisdom, embodied practices, and a deep connection to nature, I help women awaken their wild essence and step into conscious leadership.
Together, we’ll explore how to lead authentically, live in harmony with the earth, and steward her sacred rhythms. Reclaim your magic, awaken your power, and co-create a purposeful life in deep devotion to the Earth.

Goddess Mexico Retreat
SEVEN DAYS & SIX NIGHTS of transformational sisterhood await on the stunning Caribbean coastline in Mexico
December 7- 13, 2025

ReWild Women’s Retreat
4 days of radical simplicity
in Great Cacapon, West Viginia
Thursday October 16 - Monday October 20, 2025

/rēˈwīld/ verb
To reclaim and live in alignment with your true self, rooted in integrity and your unique purpose. To reconnect with your body, the Earth, and Spirit, while stepping into your unique role within the interconnected web of life.

The ReWilding Method

What People Are Saying